Demo Reel

Sound Design

This video compilation features gameplay and cinematic footage from different video games, with all the sound redesigned from scratch.

wwise + unreal engine


Walkthrough of my implementation of Wwise into Unreal Engine. This is a custom project that I've made building almost all functionality from scratch.

About me

Me taking a selfie at Iguazú park.

Hi there! I’m Santi, a sound designer and music composer for film and videogames from Argentina. I’m passionate about creating immersive experiences for media-enthusiasts to get lost into abstract and conceptual realities.
I started making bleeps and bloops on computer software when I was 15 years old but I've always been around music and instruments. When I figured my way around FL Studio I started making weird sounds and immersive sonic experiences which I called music. Latter I realized the lack of structure and cohesive musical elements were ruining my self-esteem, which triggered my desire to learn more and more about everything sound/music-wise.
Currently I’m a student of Music Composition with Electroacoustic Mediums, which has given me a unique perspective on sound design (timbre) and composition. In the meantime I work on freelance projects, submit music to contests, make sound redesigns and experiment with game engines and middlewares over game prototypes.
When I’m not working on sound design or music, you can find me playing video games, eating bread and petting my cat.

Sound Design projects

Demo Reel




Compilation of music tracks I've made for different projects, from audivisuals and games to contests and interactive webs.

varied Projects

Let's Talk

I’m always looking for new opportunities to collaborate with other creatives in the industry, so don’t hesitate to reach out!
